Date: Wednesday 6 August 2025
Time: Games commence 9am
(rain or shine)
Grades: Premier, Yr 10, Yr 9, Boys Open
(top teams only)
Cost: $125
Registrations: Not open yet
Location: Auckland Netball Centre,
St Johns
We strongly encourage a team for every girls grade. Schools entering Girls teams in all Premier, Year 10 & Year 9 grades will be given priority for registration.
The Combined Points Trophy (since 1989) is awarded to the school that has teams entered in each grade (Girls - Premier, Year 10 & Year 9) and has accumulated the most points in Section play.
Note: Results from the Boys Grade are not calculated for the trophy.
A suitable umpire must accompany every team or teams will not be able to take the court.
All teams must provide a correctly inflated ball and bibs.
No cash out available on the day.